I. Conference Theme
The theme of the conference is “Theory and Policy of Green and Low-carbon Development in China”, with the main topics as below:
1. Construction of social science disciplines such as carbon neutrality economics
2. Green and low-carbon development and biodiversity conservation
3. Green and low-carbon development and regional industrial revitalization
4. The strategy and path of China's carbon peaking and carbon neutrality
5. Urban low-carbon transformation and technological innovation
6. Green finance and carbon market
7. Low carbon transportation and intelligent logistics
8. Global climate change and low carbon cooperation
II. Time and Venue
1. Conference venue: The offline conference is to be held in Lin’an District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province.
2. Conference time: June 28,2024-June 30,2024.
III. Paper Requirements
1. The submitted papers must be academic papers that have not been formally publicly published yet, either in Chinese or English.
2. Important dates:
(1)Paper submission deadline:June 2, 2024(subject to the date of sending by email);
(2)Notification of paper acceptance: Mid June,2024.The accurate dates is to be notified soon.
3. Paper format:
(1)A cover page, including title, all authors’ names, positions, and affiliations. The contact information of the corresponding author and the participating author should be provided, including mailing address, zip code, E-mail address, phone number, etc.;
(2)A second page, including manuscript title, abstract, and keywords in both Chinese and English;
(3)Main text;
4. The page format is A4, with single-spaced, font 10 Times New Roman, and the reference style refers to the American Economic Review.
5. The paper should be in doc. or docx. format and be sent to the organizing committee via email before the deadline. Please use “PACE2024 International Conference on theory and policies of green and low-carbon development in China” as the subject of your email, and name the paper file as “first author's name + paper title”.
IV. Organization of Conference
The conference is co-organized by the Professional Association for China’s Environment (PACE) and Zhejiang Province Key Think Tank - Institute of Ecological Civilization of Zhejiang A&F University, and is hosted by The College of Economics and Management, Alliance of Ecological Civilization Think Tanks in Zhejiang Province, and by the Research Academy of Rural Revitalization of Zhejiang Province.
V. Notes
1.This conference adheres to the principle of “attending with paper”. Only those whose papers are accepted by the conference organizing committee are invited to participate.
2.The number of participants will be determined by organizing committee, according to the quantity and quality of papers submitted.
3.This conference will arrange separate sessions for Chinese presentations, English presentations and graduate students (including Ph.D. students).
4.No registration fee is required for both on-site and online participants. The accommodation and transportation expenses of the participants shall be borne by themselves.
VI. Supporting Journals for Conferences
《Environmental Impact Assessment Review》《China Population, Resources and Environment》
Ⅶ.Contact Information
Paper Submission to: iec@zafu.edu.cn.
Contact persons:
Lanying Li:llycds@zafu.edu.cn;
Lingqian Kong:2224048933@qq.com